Nagahama Acupuncture Clinic

Acupuncture and Moxibustion: A method for adjusting the motile organ (muscles) with the roots of the ancient method of Anma that improves the balance of muscles throughout the body and skeletal distortion and improves blood and lymph flow. Activates natural healing power and cares for various pains and disorders. Custom-made treatment according to the state of mind and body of the person undergoing treatment is popular. Whole body adjustment is ¥ 6500 for 1 hour to 1 and a half hours.

Nagahama Acupuncture Clinic
東京都世田谷区宮坂 日本
Nagahama Acupuncture Clinic
Nagahama Acupuncture Clinic
Nagahama Acupuncture Clinic
Nagahama Acupuncture Clinic


Shop Name Nagahama Acupuncture Clinic
Location 2F, 2-17-3 Miyasaka, Setagaya-Ku, Tokyo, Japan Open Google Map
Phone 03-3426-1038
Opening Hour 10:00 - 19:00
Closing day Irregular holidays